Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

Last days of the Haxthausenhof

This building, the Haxthausenhof will become torn off.


Dieses Gebäude wird bald abgerissen werden.

4 Kommentare:

Fénix - Bostonscapes hat gesagt…

It is so beautiful. Why do they have to tear it down? What a pity...

Michi - Fotoblog hat gesagt…

Unfortunately, there is no money for the renovation.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Well, I spent my youth there and love this building a lot. I just got notice, that it is teared down.

It is a typical building of the 1950s, of course, since the reconstruction of the place after the heavy destructions due to the bombings in WWII.

But it marks a historic place - one of the noble families of Paderborn society lived here for abt 350 years.

The building started to suffer when water was pushed up after establishing the "Paderhalle" in the neighbourhood.

It is murdered by men.

They planned a parking lot there... it's a shame.


Anonym hat gesagt…

Mir ist es unbegreiflich, warum dieses schöne alte Haus abgerissen wurde! Ich bin empört und verurteile dies aufs schärfste!!! Was hält PB nur vom Denkmalschutz????

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